27 July 2024

SAFe v5.0 : 7 core competencies for Business Agility

For an Entreprise, in 2020, there is only one way for Time To Market : Business Agility for Customer Centricity.

” A new overview of the SAFe’s seven core competencies that enable business agility.
SAFe v5.0 provides a simplified view of SAFe’s Seven Core Competencies of the Lean Enterprise and their twenty-one dimensions that enable business agility.
The execution-related competencies are shown the left, while the competencies that support strategy development are on the right.
The Lean-Agile Leadership competency which is the foundation is in the bottom middle.
The customer is prominently featured at the center as the focal point for all the competencies.
Measure and Grow at the top right is a reminder of the importance of periodic self-assessments to track the organization’s progress towards the principles and practices that enable business agility. “

© Scaled Agile, Inc.

See more here or here

SAFe Seven Core Competencies for enable Business Agility :

  • Lean–Agile Leadership (the foundation)
  • Execution (3 competencies)
    • Team And Technical Agility
    • Agile Product Delivery
    • Enterprise Solution Delivery
  • Strategy (3 competencies)
    • Lean Portfolio Management
    • Organizational Agility
    • Continuous Learning Culture

Business Agility for the Lean-Agile Enterprise, see more here

Scaling Agile with SAFe v5.0 Flashcards :

  • Lean-Agile Leadership here
  • Team And Technical Agility here
  • Agile Product Delivery here
  • Enterprise Solution Delivery here
  • Lean Portfolio Management here
  • Organizational Agility here
  • Continuous Learning Culture here

For Team and Technical Agility, see more :

  • Built-in Quality here

For Agile Product Delivery, see more :

  • Design Thinking here

For Lean Portfolio Management, see more :

  • Lean Portfolio Management / 3 dimensions here
  • Lean Portfolio Management / Strategy and Investment Fundings here
  • Lean Portfolio Management Portfolio Vision here
  • Lean Portfolio Management / Lean Budget Guardrails here
  • Lean Portfolio Management / Lean-Agile Governance here
  • Lean Portfolio Management / Lean-Agile Portfolio operations here