21 December 2024

The Scrum framework : Scaled Scrum

Scaled Scrum definition

  • Scaled Scrum is based on the Scrum framework and uses Scrum parts as its building blocks with some additions or changes within which multiple Development Teams work on the same Product for one or more Sprints in order to produce a potentially releasable and usable integrated Increment at the end of each Sprint.

Scaled Scrum Teams

Scaled Scrum Roles

Scaled Scrum Increment

  • In Scaled Scrum, each Team creates their done Increment and they integrate their work on a daily basis.
  • However, the integrated Increment as a whole, which contains all Teams’ outputs is used to demonstrate in the Sprint Review.
  • A Single Increment is needed at the end of the Sprint.
    • A Single Increment is needed at the end of the Sprint.
    • Regardless of the number of Teams, the Development Teams should merge their code to have one single “Releasable” Increment by the end of the Sprint.
      • Regardless of the number of Teams or the Branch they work in, the Development Teams should merge their code to have one single “Releasable” Increment (one main branch) by the end of the Sprint.

Scaled Scrum Definition of Done

  • When multiple Development Teams are working on the same Product they could (not should) have one Definition of Done (DoD) for all Teams or each Team could have its own one or something between these two extremes.
  • The rule here is that their outputs should be combined and integrated continuously and at the end of the Sprint they should deliver just one integrated Increment as all Teams’ output so all Definition of Done (DoD) should not violate each other.

Scaled Scrum Version control (main trunk)

  • A company has multiple teams working on a single product with a single Product Backlog.
    • Continuous Integration (CI) (to trunk) is a great state to aim for.
      • Each member of the teams frequently commit their code back to the main trunk, rather than each team managing their own branch.
    • In Scaled Scrum, each Team creates their done Increment and they integrate their work on a daily basis.
    • However, the integrated Increment as a whole, which contains all Teams’ outputs is used to demonstrate in the Sprint Review.
      • All teams frequently integrate their work into a common environment that can be tested to ensure that the integration is done.

Scaled Scrum practice

Scaled Scrum questions and answers

  • Q1: How to start a big complex project ?
    • A1 : Form 1-2 teams of best Developers for implementing the core, add more teams later.
  • Q2 : A system is decomposed into elements like workflows, features, capabilities, etc. How it affects Scrum Team on a scaled project?
    • A2 : It will be reflected in the implementation.
  • Q3 : Two ways how Development Teams can ensure a good application Architecture ?

More informations for the Scrum PSD certification here.

Updated : 03/09/2021

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