27 July 2024

Sketch, Wireframe, Mockup and Prototype

Sketch, Wireframe, Mockup and Prototype purpose

  • In order to prevent creating the wrong product or having reworks, it is valuable using some approach to make a better understanding of customer requirements :
    • These approaches are Sketch, Wireframe, Mockup, and Prototype.
    • In addition, all of them occur before implementing any code.

Sketch, Wireframe, Mockup and Prototype practice

  • Sketches, wireframes, mockups, and prototypes actually represent the different stages of the design flow :
    • They start from low-fidelity and end with high-fidelity respectively.
      • Sketch
        • The Sketch is the simplest way to present an idea or initiative, even can be drawn in a piece of paper and has a minimum level of fidelity.
      • Wireframe
        • Wireframe, a low-fidelity way to present a product, can efficiently outline structures and layouts.
      • Mock-up
        • A Mockup looks more like a finished product or prototype, but it is not interactive and not clickable.
      • Protype
        • However, a Prototype has a maximum level of fidelity and is interactive and clickable.

More informations for the Scrum PSD certification here.

Updated : 01/10/2021

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