Evolution of the Product Owner Accountability
- See the original post : Evolution of the Product Owner
- Profile picture for user Ron Eringa
- Ron Eringa
- June 17, 2016
- 4.3 from 9 ratings
Product Owner
- What is a good Product Owner and am I the right person to fill in this Accountability ?
- If you have ever struggled with this question, you should probably keep reading.
- The advantage of being a trainer and a consultant at the same time is that you get the chance to meet a lot of Product Owners.
- I hear the stories of Product Owners struggling with their daily challenges.
- Sometimes these stories are beautiful & inspiring, but mostly they look like an episode of ‘House of Cards’ (meaning it’s ugly and full of politics and tough decision making).
- Looking at all these stories you can see an evolutionary pattern appear, describing how a Product Owner grows in his Accountability.
The pattern
- Evolution Product Owner
- Many Scrum minded organisations are trying to create a good implementation of the Product Owner.
- Questions
- But where do you start?
- Who is the right person to fill in the role of the Product Owner?
- Do they come from marketing, sales or maybe from the IT department?
- Or maybe it’s that perfect project or product manager?
- All these questions will pop up, once you start implementing Scrum.
- Answer
- The answer to this question is not that simple.
- It is hidden in the evolution pattern, that describes how many organizations have implemented the Accountability of Product Owner.
- Pattern
- The pattern describes the required ‘features’ of a Product Owner.
- It’s an incremental pattern, where at each step in the evolution the expected benefits of the Accounatability grows.
- It’s like a Russian nesting doll that becomes more beautiful and richer the more it grows.
- Five levels
- The evolution pattern contains 5 levels of Product Owners that I encountered, the Scribe, the Proxy, the Business Representative, the Sponsor and the Entrepreneur.
- These levels can be described by a graph that we use in the Professional Product Owner training.
- Expected benefits Product Owner
- Each of the PO-versions in the graph is an upgrade of its predecessor.
- The evolution pattern contains 5 levels of Product Owners that I encountered, the Scribe, the Proxy, the Business Representative, the Sponsor and the Entrepreneur.
The Scribe
- As a first attempt of implementing the Product Owner Accountability, organizations often start with someone who has strong analytic skills.
- This is often a member of the Scrum Team that was used to writing requirement (or specs) or someone who used to be the ‘Business Analyst’.
- Since this person typically comes from the IT department, it is easy to take the first step towards implementing Scrum and we can get started with the creation of a Product Backlog.
- However, a Scribe has limited benefits, since they often need others (marketing, sales, product/project managers, steering committees, etc) to answer difficult questions.
- This delegated decision making often leads to a disruption of the flow, bottlenecks, large piles of stocked work, and a slow generation of Business Value.
- This is often a member of the Scrum Team that was used to writing requirement (or specs) or someone who used to be the ‘Business Analyst’.
The Proxy
- In order to solve the communication problems of a Scribe, organizations update the Product Owner Accountability with a senior analyst that has strong communication skills.
- This person is like an account manager that is still coming from the IT department.
- The focus of a Proxy shift from creating Product Backlog items towards creating Product Increments.
- The expected benefits of a Proxy are slightly better since they are more connected to the business than the Scribe.
- However it cannot be 2 Accountabilities Product Owner and Proxy.
- Although the delays
- Product Owner and a Proxy waiting time, and hick-ups will decrease, many of those remain.
- This person is like an account manager that is still coming from the IT department.
The Business Representative
- A problem that is often heard with the Proxy (and also the Scribe) is that the business (often marketing & sales) is disconnected from the IT department.
- Once organizations understand that they need to break down the inter-departmental barriers, they send in someone from marketing/sales/product management to fill in the Product Owner role.
- This upgrade to a business representative is the next step in the evolution.
- From this moment on the Scrum Team consists of people from all parts of the organization, and not only from the IT department.
- The expected benefits increase again since there is a broader collaboration.
- Now there is direct availability of functional knowledge & stakeholder expectations.
- Yet, the business representative still has limited autonomy, since marketing\sales\product management department is still the real authority.
The Sponsor
- Once a Business Representative has felt the pain of continuously asking the business departments to make decisions, they will probably fight to get some mandate.
- Once the business departments dare to give control to and trust the Business Representative, the next step in the evolution is made and the Business Representative is upgraded to a Sponsor.
- It works better if the person is not only from the business but also has the trust and the mandate to take decisions (on the spot).
- A mandate is a signal that the role is taken more seriously.
- The sponsor is often allowed to spend more time as a Product Owner, leading to fewer hick-ups, context\task switching & largely improved flow.
- The Developers can focus more, and get things done.
- Once the business departments dare to give control to and trust the Business Representative, the next step in the evolution is made and the Business Representative is upgraded to a Sponsor.
- The issues of a Sponsor mostly come down to a need for lobbying for a budget.
- A sponsor still needs to negotiate to free up money from the different business departments.
- Maybe he can already decide on how to spend the money for his own department, but there are still other departments that need to be convinced.
The Entrepreneur
- The last step in the evolution of the Product Owner is to make him fully responsible for functionality and budgets.
- This makes him a real Entrepreneur, whose job is to create as much Business Value for his customers as possible.
- They are like a mini-CEO, a real owner over the product.
- This makes him a real Entrepreneur, whose job is to create as much Business Value for his customers as possible.
- The Entrepreneur is responsible for all aspects, like marketing, competition, users, legal & finance within the scope of his product.
- His professional life is dedicated to the well-being of the product.
- Unfortunately, this kind of Product Owner is still a rare species (espèce rare), since organizations are often not ready to delegate this kind of control.
If you would like to use the personas described in a workshop, you can download them here.
- Created on 01/08, 2023.
- Updated : 01/16, 2023.