Scrum and Technical Practices
- While technical practices aren’t specifically included as a part of Scrum, the rapid pace of development using Scrum often requires that good technical practices are utilized by Developers in order to be successful.
Scrum approach
- As part of incremental development, Scrum puts quality before scope.
- Writing high-quality code is an art in itself.
- It requires skills, dedication, mastery, agreed practices, and agreed on standards.
Scrum and Technical Practices
- Clean code
- Feature Toogle
- Scout Rule
- Standards
Clean code
- Software code that is expressed well, formatted correctly, and organized for later coders to understand.
- With Clean Code, Clarity is preferred over cleverness.
Clean code principles and best practices
- Common closure principal
- Single responsibility principal
- Decouple construction from runtime
Clean Code features
- Descriptive Function Names
- Small Functions
- Few Comments
- Few Arguments
- Single Responsibility Principle
- Necessary Code Only
- Tested
Orphan Code
- Orphan, dead or unreachable code is a code that will never be executed.
- It shows itself as variables that are declared but never used, functions that are never called, or code that is skipped because of a condition branch.
Scout Rule
- Scout Rule is the practice of always leaving the code base in a little better state than it was found before modifications, is called the Scout Rule.
- Scout Rule is a mean to progress towards Clean Code.
- Scrum Developers work toward company, development and organizational Standards.
- Such Standards provide guidance.
- The Developers decide on the actual implementation, thereby respecting the Standards.
- Common Standards used during coding
- Pointer and Reference Usage
- File Naming Convention
- Naming Convention (the benefit of establishing naming Standards for code is that it makes the code more Readable)
- Formatting and Indentation
- Classes, Functions and Interfaces
- Comments and Documents
Feature Toogle
- Software development practice that allows dynamically turning functionality on and off.
- Feature toggle doesn’t impact the overall accessibility of the system by users.
More informations for Scrum Testing
More informations for the Scrum PSD certification here.
Updated : 01/10/2021