22 October 2024

Disciplined Agile (DA) : Be Lean-Agile Teams and Do Lean-Agile Product Development

Project Manager role

  • In Disciplined Agile (DA), the Product Manager becomes a Lean-Agile servant leader

Be Agile and do Agile : How plan for a Lean-Agile Leader

  • Part 1 : Be Lean-Agile
    • 1.1-Team and Teams
      • 1.1.1-Team (Team Development for high performance Teams)
        • Bruce Tuckman Team Development Model
      • 1.1.2-Emotional Intelligence (for high performance Teams)
    • 1.2-Lean-Agile Teams
      • 1.2.1-Agile Tactical Scaling (in VUCA situations)
        • VUCA : Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity
      • 1.2.2-Together Working (Coordinating and Collaborating across Teams)
    • 1.3-Team and Teams Management
      • 1.3.1-Impediments Removing (for improving Lead Time and diminushing waste)
        • Resolving problems technics
      • 1.3-2.Conflict Management (for high performance Teams)
        • Thomas Kilmann Conflict Resolution Model
  • Part 2 : Do Lean-Agile Product Development
    • 2.1-Product management
    • 2.2-Pragmatic Planning and Reporting (for Time to Market)


  • Created on 02/07, 2023.
  • Reviewed and updated on 02/08,2023.

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