Scrum and Technical Practices : Technical Spike
Technical Spike definition Evaluation of technical elements for a proposed solution is a technical Spike. Technical Spike purpose A technical Spike may be used for …
Scaling Agile with You
Technical Spike definition Evaluation of technical elements for a proposed solution is a technical Spike. Technical Spike purpose A technical Spike may be used for …
Functional Spike definition Mockups and wireframes are a spike however can be categorized under Functional Spikes. Functional spikes are often best evaluated through some level …
Architectural Spike definition A Spike is a quick and dirty implementation, a prototype that will be thrown away. Architectural Spike purpose An architectural Spike is …
Spike definition A spike is an investment to make the story estimable or schedule-able. A spike is a product development method originating from Extreme Programming …
Merging definition Merging is a fundamental operation to combine and reconcile multiple changes, which results in a single collection of files containing both sets of …
Branching definition Creating a logical or physical copy of code within a version control system so that this copy might be changed in isolation. Branching …
Version Control definition Version control (also known as revision control or source control) is a category of processes and tools designed to keep track of …
Version Control definition Version control (also known as revision control or source control) is a category of processes and tools designed to keep track of …
Technical Debt definition Technical Debt is the typically unpredictable overhead of maintaining the product, often caused by less than ideal design decisions, contributing to the …
Bug discovery purpose Bugs create Debt Debt types Incremental Debt : Caused by repeating the above without any work to reduce the debt Inadvertent debt: …