27 July 2024

Scrum and Technical Practices : Bug Report

Bug Report purpose

  • A bug report “should explain how exactly the product is broken.”

Bug Report essentials

  • There Key essential for every bug report are :
    • A. The Problem Description.
    • B. Steps to reproduce.
    • C. Expected outcome.
    • D. Actual outcome.
  • Screenshots and Versions are good to have but not mandatory.

Good Bug report attributes

  • There are several attributes that a good bug report could have such as :
    • evidence as screenshots or other attachments,
    • expected results and observed results,
    • version and build of the software under test,
    • having simple and repeatable reproduction steps,
    • having summary and detail description,
    • the date and time that the defect occurred or reported, reported by,
    • impacted related requirement,
    • the severity of the defect,
    • etc.

Good Bug Report

  • A good bug report contains one Bug Per Report
  • A good bug report contains the information needed to reproduce and fix problems
  • A good bug report contains clear title and proper grammar in the report,
  • A good bug report is an efficient form of communication for both bug reporter and bug receiver.
  • A good bug report contains expected vs actual results, these are mandatory.
  • A bug report may contain version of the plugin/platform, or Screenshot(s) of the problem and Logs but there are not mandatory.
  • A good report should not assign Blame.

Bad Bug report attributes

  • There are several attributes that a bad bug report can have such as :
    • vague statements or untested assumptions,
    • assigning blame,
    • with no screenshots or other attachments,
    • with no expected results and observed results,
    • with no version and build of the software under test,
    • having no simple and repeatable reproduction steps,
    • generic titles, with no date and time that the defect occurred or reported, with no reporter name,
    • etc.

Bad Bug Report

  • Bad Bug Report has the following :
    • 1. A bad bug report does not contain the information needed to reproduce and fix problems
    • 2. A bad bug report is a lengthy, inefficient form of communication for everyone involved
    • 3. A bad bug report has generic titles
    • 4. A bad bug report assigns Vague statements or untested assumptions
    • 5. A bad bug report assigns blames

Scrum Testing

The Scrum framework

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